Free Write Friday

This break I have 3 Christmas’ but I work on all three of them my birthday is next Wednesday. Tonight I’ll be hanging with my friend and wrapping presents. I hope my stepdad hooks up my gaming systems so I don’t bug him everyday and he doesn’t yell at me. I hope I pass all of my classes so my mom doesn’t yell at me.

Summarize The Things They Carried

In the first chapter it goes over what the men carried physically and emotional baggage Ted Lavender carried dope 6 or 7 ounces. they also carried guilt, fear, love, and loss. The second chapter is about reminiscing with jimmy cross and telling stories of the war. The third chapter is about how war isn’t a game and there isn’t any rules. The fourth chapter is about how O’Brien got drafted and left to try and escape because he thought it was the right thing to do in his mind.

We should get a snow day

We shouldn’t get a snow day because then we’d go back to school on Friday and we’d be behind in school and it’s finals week. Next week is Christmas break anyways, but if we did have a snow day people would be able to have one more day to study or relax, however then there would be some people missing on Friday due to break and they won’t be able to take their final test.

persuade holiday

Christmas is the best holiday because you get free clothes, money, and video games. You also spend time with your family and tell stories of when you were younger. It’s like Thanksgiving except you get presents along with a feast. after you get done eating you can go outside and sled at a good hill or go to the mountains and go snowboarding. Christmas is all about family, fun, and memories.

free write friday

Last night I saw Star Wars The Last Jedi and it was amazing. Right after school today I have a robotics tournament at Omaha North High School and I have to go back on Saturday morning. Saturday my family is having a party and my mom told me about it last night and I haven’t done my laundry yet.

The things they carried

“They carried all the emotional baggage of men who might die. Grief, terror, love, longing– these were intangibles, but the intangibles had their own mass and specific gravity, they had tangible weight ( O’Brien 20).”  The intangible items they carried were emotions and their guilt.

O’Brien, Tim. The Things They Carried. New York: Houghton Mifflin, 1990.

Background info

Net neutrality is where all apps and web services have equal internet speed. If the FCC repeals it then companies that do business with each other like Cox and Hulu. Cox would be able to speed up Hulu’s internet speed and then slow down Netflix’s so that it keeps buffering and then you have to pay for more speed.

war song

They thought the war would be lengthy and fun. But they eventually found out that it was frightening and he was only 19 which he still has a child’s mind. The conditions were poor and hot. he repeats his age because it shows his innocence. He experienced fighting and death.